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Services to Adults: Stressbusters

This is a new venture for Beacon, and the result of a massive increase in demand that we experienced from March 2009. We noticed that there was a large and persisting increase in the number of people contacting Beacon for a period of several months, and on examining the internal statistics, we realised that the majority of the increase were people contacting us who were highly stressed. Despite recruiting additional volunteer counsellors, the waiting list and times grew to an unacceptable level of 6 months, so we decided to do something about it.

Following a series of conversations with Public Health at NHS Stockport, 6 of Beacon’s qualified and experienced counsellors were trained in running an 8-week stress management programme called Stressbusters. The initial pilot was took place by recruiting people from our waiting list who had been assessed as having stress as their top issue. The results were that participants benefited from reducing their stress levels, and our waiting list and times reduced back to around 2 months.

Beacon has worked to develop this service, and with the support of Public Health at NHS Stockport, targeted parents attending Children’s Centres in priority areas of Stockport. Three centres received the programme during 2011, with each providing benefits to participants, and brought learning to Beacon on how to improve delivery further. We plan to continue targeting where this programme is needed the most, which for 2012 will be through a mix of Children’s Centres, and hopefully through working with the Health Trainers in Stockport.

Participants reported reduced levels of stress, isolation, anxiety, and depression, alongside increases in well-being and confidence, and better stress management. An important part of the programme that has emerged through practice is the penultimate session, where external professionals are brought in to talk about how they can support the participants beyond the end of the programme. The range includes accessing training, benefits, job seeking skills, and managing weight, with the areas chosen by the group themselves. This seeks to build on the progress made during the programme. The development continues, and programmes in 2012 will see the pilot of a booster session a few months on from the end of the programme.

Support from NHS Stockport’s Public Health department has been crucial in Stressbusters, as the training followed by the funding to deliver this has given the chance for Stressbusters to shine.





















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Copyright 2009 Beacon Counselling