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Primary Schools 1-1 Counselling

During 2010 Beacon took part in the TAMHS (Targeted Mental Health in Schools) initiative within Stockport. The programme from Stockport MBC was an opportunity to pilot new services for 5 – 13 year olds. Beacon, following its 2009 Open Forum, had decided that piloting a service for primary school children was an important step in its development, as it would enable Beacon to intervene at an earlier stage than secondary school, where it was noticed that problems had often been present for a number of years.

This was also an opportunity for partnership working. The managers at Beacon and Relate GMS (Greater Manchester South) had met at various other meetings and talked about the potential for working together, and both were keen to pilot work in primary schools. In order to bring the most benefit to the schools, both decided to work together. An application to Stockport MBC was successful, and the two charities split their resources across the 9 schools taking part in the TAMHS initiative, with Beacon working in 4 of them. The results were excellent outcomes for children, with the service being the top-rated amongst 18 piloted services, and the partnership working very well.

The TAMHS initiative has come to an end, and with it, most of the work in primary schools. The lasting effects though are the benefits to children that we worked with, that Beacon plans to build on its work in primary schools, and a lasting partnership with Relate GMS that is leading on to new service developments in 2013.

Feedback was taken from the children where possible, from staff at the schools, and sometimes from parents, and we found similar benefits to our services for adults and young people. Children found increased confidence and self-esteem, and related better to others, and staff and parents noticed greater engagement in lessons and activities, and less disruption where this had been present.

The pilot was funded by Stockport MBC under the TAMHS initiative, and any subsequent work has been paid for by schools directly.
















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Copyright 2009 Beacon Counselling